
I think the lesson here is that we should all work harder at being sleazy.

The Big Bang Theory sucks!  You people need to read Genesis if you want the real story!

I think the only time anyone has ever told me I look like someone famous was when I was 10 and I supposedly looked like the kid in the recently released movie version of The Secret Garden.  Not the sick kid, the other kid.  I think he played a flute.

Yes, let's all compare notes on our disturbingly detailed mental portraits of @Scrawler2:disqus .

I'm sorry that people stopped caring about you after they noticed that guy who looks like Jesse Eisenberg.

They both use cutaways, but different kinds of cutaways.  Scrubs did mostly cutaways to fantasy/dream sequences.  30 Rock does more cutaways to flashbacks or clips from fake TV shows (Arrested Development followed the same formula).


"Coming this Summer, from the producers of The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down . . . "

Honey-glazed ham is delicious.  Honey with peanut butter is delicious.  Therefore, by the transitive property, peanut butter and ham is delicious.

How come Joey Ramone's brother is named Mickey Leigh?  Was one of them adopted?

I hear "I Wanna Be Sedated" a decent amount, and I occasionally hear "Blitzkrieg Bop" when the alt-rock station wants to play a really deep cut.

I think if Bill Murray found out that Koski didn't care for Ghostbusters, that would make him like her more.

I don't think you can just request that a $200 million movie be shuffled to another studio, even if they're owned by the same company.  But I agree with you that "Walt Disney Pictures presents" is less likely to interest adult moviegoers than "From the director of WALL-E and Finding Nemo."

Would people getting stupider make them more or less likely to be familiar with Andrew "Dice" Clay?

According to the Vulture article that Beartato linked to above, Stanton nixed any mention of Pixar in the marketing because he didn't want it to seem like it was just for kids.

There's no shame in Andrew Stanton going back to Pixar, but that's a gig where you can only make a movie every 4-5 years.  I was rooting for Stanton and Brad Bird to do well with their live-action debuts because it would give them the opportunity to make more (and more varied) movies.

Andrew Stanton was responsible for the marketing, not Lasseter.

Lousy Smarch movies!

Are you sure about that?  I have a very vivid memory of Total Recall making a lot of money.  Like, really vivid.

Stop.  Proofreading.