

I've read several of his reviews actually. 
His lack of knowledge about basic Sabbath facts like who writes the lyrics is a reflection of either his ineptness or laziness. He does however earn my respect for being critical- since most other reviewers on here will give an A to a piece of shit album by the likes of

I'm sick of this site continuously snubbing rock/metal yet effusively lauding every pop/rap/hip-hop album that's released. The A.V. Club is a complete joke.

So Taylor Swift gets a B+ and Soundgarden gets a B-?. A B+ on the "generic, bland, top 40 music geared towards children" grading chart? This rating system is arbitrary and meaningless.

So Taylor Swift gets a B+ and Soundgarden gets a B-?. A B+ on the "generic, bland, top 40 music geared towards children" grading chart? This rating system is arbitrary and meaningless.