
Nah, it's not you. Like a bunch of other Showtime shows, this show isn't unwatchable or out-and-out awful but it ain't good either. It just exists to get a couple acting noms for the 2 leads, based on their names alone, to give Showtime the illusion of 'peak tv' quality. See: Nurse Jackie, Ray Donovan, House of Lies,

It's a quick, fun read that's also probably garbage. It kept me entertained for 4-5 hours and didn't bore me, which is all I require of most of the books I read, so I enjoyed it. To me it's the equivalent of a big, noisy, summer blockbuster that some people will enjoy because it's fast, fun and doesn't offend too

WHAT was that, right? I know the show has declined a lot over the last few years but that was…………I don't know what that was because it had *almost* nothing to do with actual dance competition. Who knew that was what happens when you give Mary Murphy the boot. Good god, she was the crazy glue holding the whole thing

I just gave it an F for you. No need to thank me! I did it for the community. lol

Yes. Every time I see a new promotional thing for him I think "JFC, this poor animal". Every single time. That is not a normal reaction you should have to a pet. :(

I am. Mostly. I posted upwards in detail already but I watched it up until a certain point, watched most of the Fisburne seasons but not so much after that point.I'll still put an episode on in the background here and there while I'm on the iPad or whatever and everything and everyONE on the show seems tired, dated,

I come and go with this show. I watched the Fishburne seasons, at least 75% of seasons that had Grissom in it. Not so much any more though. I try an episode here and there and, imho, it's pretty awful nowadays. Not even Ted Danson (who I genuinely like) can save it at this point. It just feels so old-fashioned to me