The Viewer

The first thirty minutes were just as good as the last twelve. They covered some great moral grounds with the beginning, followed by awesome action and a fantastic ending.

How is no one talking about the Killer Frost reveal?

I love how the Legends of Tomorrow trailer implied that everyone is going to think he's dead at the beginning of Season 4, but he's just small and wandering around the lab.

The only reason i commented was because he replied to me, it would be rude not to reply back. He asked a question. I'm aware it's not going to happen, however at the time that i wrote that comment it was still plausible.

The show has always had its faults, but i enjoyed both seasons in spite of them.

I would not by any means want Constantine on ABC. ABC is my personal least favorite network, and has no shows i like. Also, Constantine on HBO is impossible. CW was at least slightly plausible at the time. I dream small cause i'm a realist. That said, it is far more likely the show just fades away.

1. You're right, i'm speaking from my experience as a Canadian. We don't have The CW itself with our package, however major Canadian stations air both Arrow and The Flash.
2. The CW doesn't get viewers because of it's usual target audience, being young people, and those who enjoy soaps. That said, you are also correct

Episodes 1 - 14 you watch Flash first, then Arrow, Then watch episode 15 of Arrow before episode 15 of The Flash, following that scheduled of Arrow then Flash till the season ends.

This season had some good things. The show isn't awful, but it certainly wasn't very good this season.

My apologies. You are correct. Arrow has certainly lost some steam.

Yeah, sure, but he was made main cast and almost never used. May as well have still been recurring.

I feel like Christopher Heyerdahl will be back. I'm sure Darhk will have a Lazarus Pit of his own.

Watch The Flash, it's

It's had rough patches for sure, but it's a good show. Arrow is in the same boat now.

This season already had almost no Barrowman. I was so pleased that the finale finally decided what to do with him.

It's not unheard of. The Third Season of New Girl sucked, and yet it's Fourth Season was the best yet. I'm hoping too buddy.

"And since it's obvious that all the creative energy that once went into Arrow is now being devoted to the Flash"

Okay, you're right, i forgot about the syndication deal, so yeah, supernatural is making more regardless of ratings, however they could have both shows. If they ran Constantine during the summer, then they could keep their DC and Supernatural fans happy for the 3-4 months the other shows are away.

The Flash gave a HUGE bump to Arrow this season, so yeah, that is plausible. I was not saying it was likely CW would pick it up, but it would be good for them in the long run, better than a series like The Messengers was anyway.

CW is still a basic cable channel. Anyone who has NBC, has The CW, and people who liked the show would gladly watch on another network, so that small viewership for NBC, would be a huge viewership for The CW, and while it would get a bit smaller, it would still be better than Supernatural's ratings.