The Viewer

A lot of things would have made more sense if they had been done differently.

That wasn't the only funny moment. Ray blowing himself up was also pretty damn funny.

Felicity is canadian, does that mean she's next?

They already announced this last year. They said that the Flash/Arrow crossover events were like Doctor Who Christmas Specials.

People have been complaining about Felicity all season. At this point most people are just trying to ignore her. Also, it was done for the sake of comedy, and a little levity is nice after the last few episodes.

The Virus was in a metallic cylinder on the plane, Ra's took it before jumping out.

I'm aware that it's likely not coming, i honestly didn't even like it that much, but Constantine has a RELATIVELY large fanbase, and it's as strong as CW's biggest shows.

Look, you just missed the perfect opportunity here. What you should have said was this,

The CW would be stupid not to pick the show up. I understand that it's unlikely, but The CW gets 3 - 4 millions viewers a week tops, most shows get significantly less than that and yet Constantine would be an almost guaranteed 3. Constantine would out-perform Supernatural, and get an added boost from The Flash and

Gone, but never forgotten.

To be fair, the creators never said he wasn't bi-sexual, they just said they weren't going to have him in bed with a man in the first season. If i remember correctly, he didn't sleep with anyone in the first season.

Pretty sure it's just a normal length episode.

She still needs less.

They already said that Season 4 will be about Dameon Dark and H.I.V.E.

I could see it work if this was a Netflix show or something, but on CW's budget it definitely would not. That said, i would have loved the to see the Gorilla City storyline from The New 52 adapted on screen.

"With any luck, Iris will soon be a member of Team Flash and all that nonsense will be behind us."

After watching the stunts on Daredevil, these seem to pack a little less punch.

Moira and Nyssa were pretty much the only well written female character on this show. Shado was awful, Thea is very poorly handled, Sara was pretty good. Felicity was a lot stronger a character in the first two seasons.

I feel like Arrow's future would be best off if they hit the reset button and killed/removed half the cast. At this point Arrow seriously needs some new life breathed into it.