The Viewer

1) I don't think they need to remove Felicity outright, but bring her back to the character she was in the first two seasons. It's mostly the relationship drama that is ruining her character, and that really wan't introduced till Season 3.
2) Pretty sure the reason Malcolm is still around is to show the contrast

Pretty sure the guy who made the suit made then for him to. You never actually see him leave the dude's place after saying "Make me a symbol", so afterwords he could have also said, "And some sticks… yeah, i could really use some new sticks."

There was only one episode that actually featured a court, however the speech he gave during the trial is still one of my favorite sequences from the series.

It may not have eye holes, but it is light enough fabric that you could reasonably see through it, or at least it appears to be.

At the very least Arrow, Daredevil, and The Flash have some fairly similar plot points.

Awesome chart, but it got a few things wrong, like saying that Arrow is not gritty, or saying that Daredevil is a crime procedural. Also, i don't think Daredevil's secrete identity is wildly obvious. Like Ben says, no one would look twice at a blind guy.

Yeah, i thought the same.

I don't think that Karen has been playing "The Victim" all season. The way i see it, she's the exact opposite. Sure, she is afraid in the face of this monstrous villain they are facing, but she keeps digging, no matter what. She keeps fighting in the face of fear. That's not the mindset of a victim.

For me, the Payoff will largely come from Tatsu, if they every choose to actually do more with her character, and the word repetition is both bad writing and on purpose.

Oh, i wasn't saying it was a bad idea. Arrow needs to make some improvements at the core of the series to get back to fighting weight next Season, so a semi-reboot with some new blood, and loosing another character, could be just what they need.

Perhaps because he was blind it took him longer to get an education? Or it could be something to do with how he grew up. Either way, that might explain it.

Mind = Blown.

That would be bold. Arrow would be left with like 4 cast members if she left, seeing as Roy is now gone, and i have a feeling i know one more character who isn't making it to Season 4.

Did he start in 2010, or graduate in 2010? Ragardless he has to at least be 29, because, as the original commenter said, Stick was gone for 20 years, and Matt was 9 when he met Stick.

Charlie Cox, who plays Matt Murdock is 32. He is probably roughly that age.

I think that the golden era of television is still going strong, but its best days are behind at this point. We still have a ton of great shows, but for the most part, the best of the best have all come and gone.

"But then, after all this thrilling action, we are faced with the newest and likely biggest crisis of Oliver’s life, as Ra’s al Ghul plunges a sword through Thea. Turns out “Broken Arrow” was just the calm before the storm. The war is about to begin."

I find it funny that the cast member who's character lived is leaving, and the cast member who's character died isn't going anywhere.

As much as i liked the episode my favorite scene happened in the pipeline, and really didn't even feel like part of Arrow. Just reminded me how much stronger The Flash has been this season.

He said the Particle Accelerator changed the course of history, he did not say how.