The Viewer


I have a feeling they are going for a darker take on The Doctor, which could imply that these lines are said after The Doctor does something remarkably cruel to some bad people.

I believe that's the point.

Muizumono isn't one of the options.

That scene was shown in the first episode of Season 2, so it is a spoiler, but one from 3 months back.


Chuck wasn't cancelled.

IGN just reported that Community had been Cancelled by NBC.

I assume you are mocking me?

Orphan Black is a Space original series. It's Canadian, not British. It does air on BBC America, but that doesn't really count.

True. However yes, Sherlock is awesome, as is Doctor Who.

BBC shows are great. Have you never seen Broadchurch?

Actually that makes sense, seeing as the Fourth Season has only been over for less than twenty four hours. On another note, i bet Gareth dies during the midseason finale.

Wait… what?! Rosita is being made a regular and Abraham isn't? Abraham is a much more important character in the grand scheme of things… this is a confusing decision.

It's interesting that he says "two of the season’s best episodes—“Still” and “The Grove”—were series high points" when the reviews implied they were the weakest episodes of the season so far.

It's not nearly depressing enough. This series is like a box of kittens compared to the comic.

Clearly the entire team is moving to California to work in the new office.

This seemed like a very odd way to adapt a storyline from the comic. Was definitely better when Carl killed the young boy who murdered his brother while the adults in the group couldn't decide what to do. It just worked so much better.

Does the formatting of the Stray Observations bother anyone else?

I had forgotten how Tyreese was even introduced… god that was terrible.