Mr. Black

You guys…he's just Beastman with some green fuzz glued on.

I'm not saying this movie based on a children's toy will be full of gay sex, but it is the most likely movie based on a children's toy to be full of gay sex.

Sadly if he was 73 that means he was in his mid-40s for Silence of the Lambs. Time moves entirely too quickly.

Yes, that assertion was rife with error.

Dear God, there's a level 11?

There's a tortured logic in the notion that "Henry IV did it this way, so we should too." I disagree with it, but I can at least see where that's coming from. Where the idea really veers off into nonsense for me is when we get to "We can't rule on this without determining first what Henry IV would have ruled."

They're just taunting us. "Now that you know how to reach the end, you can feel even more shame at being unable to reach it."

That's true, but I see them dealing with it in a less openly nonsensical way. Here we had one of the most powerful jurists in the country (Scalia) espousing the idea in no uncertain terms that the law should only be interpreted by reading the minds of dead guys. That goes beyond arguments based on perceived

I want to watch these kids' facades slowly crack as they play through the turbo tunnel, first realizing that their veneer of made up 90s buzzwords can't save them, then realizing that they can't possibly get through it with both of them surviving, then realizing that they can't possibly get through life with their

I'd say she's worse than Trump in pretty much all ways…maybe she's slightly more sympathetic to (white, French) women? The Le Pen movement has been a festering malignancy in France for decades now and it's absolutely terrifying that they're this close to power.

Are we the only country where "That's not how dead guys from centuries ago would have done things" passes for legitimate political discussion? When a law passes in France do people shout "Charles the Bald never intended this!!!"?

Up until recently I was still able to run modern games on a system that was, for the most part, from 2009. I think consoles have slowed down the upgrade race somewhat compared to the old days. I remember desperately struggling to run Morrowind on a system that was only a year old back in 2002.

Would have been great if this happened before the intentional dumbing-down of the American electorate he helped spearhead resulted in the election of an infantile orange coward, but we are still richer for having lost him.

Damn it, now those weeks I spent in 2008 practicing Raining Blood on Guitar Hero III so I could get 100% on expert seem like an embarrassing waste of time.

I admire your devotion to Kate Bush.

You'd think with all that Fox News money he could have afforded a more convincing human skin tent.

Part of the reason I dislike the prequels' attempt to make Vader the central character of the saga is it shifts the focus from Luke to Vader at the end of ROTJ. As far as I'm concerned the lightsaber-tossing, not the Palpatine-tossing, is the climax of the series.

I do think Rey's use of the Force to beat Kylo Ren wasn't communicated visually nearly as well as Luke's in blowing up the Death Star. With Luke you get Obi-Wan speaking in his mind and the clear visual of him switching off the computer. Rey has the exact same moment with Kylo but it's rushed and easy to think she

It gets overlooked in all the discussions of Force Awakens, but I think the thing I found the most genuinely moving in the sequel trilogy so far is the evolution of Luke from the hopeful farm boy in New Hope to this world-weary Jedi. I'm hoping the new movie plays up that tragedy a bit.

Yeah each of the Gospels, and Paul's letters, represent pretty distinct schools of thought. The sad thing is that apparently the contradictions and historical context is taught in most mainstream seminaries (not counting far-right evangelical sects, obviously), but I don't know if priests and pastors then just sit on