The Puzzler

Progressive writers dislike Cards Against Humanity in part because it reduces that art of witty sentence construction - something they've devoted their life to - into a multiple choice mix-and-match activity. Check your privilege, progressive writers. Not everyone is witty like you. Some people want to experience what

Yeah, science fiction is a setting. Horror and action are genres. They're not in conflict.

For Cameron, it was a passion project. He was willing to work fourteen hours a day if that was what it took. For the technical guys, it was a job. They wanted to take regular breaks, go home on time. This sort of thing creates conflicts.

Everyone has their own personal level of excitement they can enjoy. Seeing a little child dragged away, possibly to die, exceeds some people's comfort level and brings them into the nightmare zone.

Nah, they jjust took the idea from Jaws, the sequel to the Jaw.

No Predators?
(Hey, I just noticed that Predators are aliens, and Aliens are predators…)

Calling them aliens is confusing in most circumstances. Mr Spock is an alien.

For me, it doesn't bring back the dread when Alien 3 kills off the characters we cared about; it destroys the stakes. It creates an atmosphere of despair. Without hope, there's no tension.

More peope got out alive, for one thing - a 'family' rather than a lone survivor. Plus, way more monsters killed. That'e enough to keep most audiences happy.

Well, there's the kaiju monster movie…

Lucas is left only with relics of his vision, the increasing scorn of those who once worshipped him, and several billion dollars.

Enjoy Nuka-Cola! Now with strontium-90, for that healthy glow!

Yes, and yes.
Unless you are using a very restrictive definition of Muslim and Islam. (See: "No true Scostman" fallacy.)

Possible logical attitudes to time travel:
(1) We should go back in time to the dawn of history and try to make sure the best possible timeline comes into being, even though this will annihilate history as we know it. Otherwise, you're complicit in the Holocaust and every other bad thing that ever happened.
(2) We

Damn, I hate spoilers. I know that for practical sheduling purposes they have to script everything months in advance, but I wish they'd take more care to help preserve my suspension of disbelief. I'm terrified I'll log on and find out some asshole has already got hold of the final electoral count and broadcast it all

And if black box recorders are so good, why don't we eat those?

Hey, don't be a transracialphobe!

That sex-tape he recommended was the lamest ever. I'm never voting for him again.

I'm not convinced my cooking is suffering significantly as a result of me owning mediocre knives. (Kitchen knives, anyway. My stabbing knives are excellent.)

The AV Club is starting a new blades section! Sharp metal is pop culture too! There's be a regular "Sword of the Week" column, and my own "How to stab someone in the throat" will be next month's featured article.