The Puzzler

Wasn't he a Hindu, Christian and Muslim, not an atheist?

Larry, that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. Umm…
What did Santa say when he met three prostitutes?

Larry, that's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me. Umm…
What did Santa say when he met three prostitutes?

A mirror universe version is a lot like an identical twin sibling. There's an ethical difference between someone secretly taking a photo of you naked, and consensually taking a photo of your twin naked, even if the photos look the same.

A mirror universe version is a lot like an identical twin sibling. There's an ethical difference between someone secretly taking a photo of you naked, and consensually taking a photo of your twin naked, even if the photos look the same.

Raj acting in an effeminate manner that makes people think he's gay is a running joke. If he's gay, what's the joke?

Raj acting in an effeminate manner that makes people think he's gay is a running joke. If he's gay, what's the joke?

I wonder how a civilian in the Federation would go about getting their own spaceship? Do you just press a button on a jumbo replicator and one appears? Is there a committee you have to go to and persuade that you're worthy of one?
But it's always going to be difficult to come up with future economics that represent the

I wonder how a civilian in the Federation would go about getting their own spaceship? Do you just press a button on a jumbo replicator and one appears? Is there a committee you have to go to and persuade that you're worthy of one?
But it's always going to be difficult to come up with future economics that represent the

He could have just got J’onn to do it;  J'onn could have turned intangible and flown away moments before the impact. Batman must have a real death wish.

He could have just got J’onn to do it;  J'onn could have turned intangible and flown away moments before the impact. Batman must have a real death wish.

Just because he looks older doesn't mean he is older. Time lords can age backwards if they want (at least, River can in NuWho).

Just because he looks older doesn't mean he is older. Time lords can age backwards if they want (at least, River can in NuWho).

I don't know if he IS Magneto, but I suspected that was the way they were moving him since Schism, with Wolverine as the new Prof X. All he needs now is a new cause to motivate him, combined with his new-found ruthlessness, and he could be a major antagonist for years to come.

I don't know if he IS Magneto, but I suspected that was the way they were moving him since Schism, with Wolverine as the new Prof X. All he needs now is a new cause to motivate him, combined with his new-found ruthlessness, and he could be a major antagonist for years to come.

I foolishly read a couple of reviews on Ain't It Cool or somewhere and one of them said something like, 'a couple of characters we like die'. So I was just waiting until the second character died, and then I knew the rest would be fine.
This is why I hate spoilers.

I foolishly read a couple of reviews on Ain't It Cool or somewhere and one of them said something like, 'a couple of characters we like die'. So I was just waiting until the second character died, and then I knew the rest would be fine.
This is why I hate spoilers.

Also, pelvises. "He's young. He'll probably walk again."

Also, pelvises. "He's young. He'll probably walk again."

Or Superman could have thrown Vandal Savage into the sun. Try getting out of that one, Mr Immortal!