
Ah, folks have noted. Refresh button is my friend.

Can't die
I'm surprised no one else has noted what to me was the biggest callback/reveal. The revelations that the candidates or chosen cannot die while they're on the list immediately reminded me of Michael's inability to kill himself in "Meet Kevin Johnson." Hell, Tom told him back then that he couldn't. I

My impression of the neighbor was that he was batshit crazy. Their argument was in measured tones, yet he heard it? It's not like they lived in a cheap shithole, it was a decent-looking place. Also, when 13 & Taub let him in, he specifically identified what 13 was breaking into as "her private drawer." Not her

Pendulums & Listening Posts
I agree with the 'Ben can't trust Eloise' comment made by Allen above; after all, Widmore knew where she was and that she wouldn't be surprised by him sending her guests.