

This song is amazing, and will forever be amazing.

This was exactly the album that pulled me into hip-hop, and the track that I normally use whenever someone goes all "rap is crap" on me. Kind of makes Food and Liquor II all the more disappointing.

Man. Seems like I kinda missed out.  Loved the first three seasons that were on netflix, but thought 30 rock dropped the ball with the 4th season. I hadn't been back since. Did it, like, get better?—or did I just not get it.

because he's famous, and handsome, and he's rich and did I mention he's famous?

I'll just be chilling on NOT MY AMERICA Wednesday.

That's how I feel about every single one of his films.

Wait. "We're comparing Safe to Columbiana?  One of the reasons why I liked Safe as much as I did was because of the action. Columbiana is a goddamned travesty.

I'm pretty sure that was kind of the, umm, point. You were supposed to realize  that it was a suicide bomber from the get-go, which makes the whole situation even more fucked as they let the car in.


It's a combination of self-entitlement, anti-social behavior, and internet tough-guy syndrome. They're the minority—but sadly they're a vocal one.

I feel like I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, neckbeards are gross and they're the reason why comic-book writers can't do anything interesting with established superheroes. But on the other hand: As is, this story is kind of dumb and seemed to undermine itself by bringing back Parker.

This. The fact that they're already giving themselves an out this early proves how half-assed this whole thing is.

The funny thing about it is that I totally expected (and I'm certain that was the point) Arlo to get shived by the prisoner. Usually big, burly jailmates visiting the cell of some skinny guy means a date with a knife—or penis.

It's his "I just made a huge mistake" face.

It's his "I just made a huge mistake" face.

So he's like every other mainstream popstar then. How is that refreshing?

So he's like every other mainstream popstar then. How is that refreshing?

I like Locked out of Heaven, I guess. But I like it as I like most pop songs: in the background when I'm doing something else—Like masturbating…or something.

I like Locked out of Heaven, I guess. But I like it as I like most pop songs: in the background when I'm doing something else—Like masturbating…or something.