Cat Sticks

Chandler Bing? Bada-bing? Microsoft bing?

Commencing venereal self-immolation. . .

oohs and awes?
As critically acclaimed as this Film is, I can't help but feel the subject matteR iS a bit on the exploiTative side.


Da Rap Trap, you elitist swine!

Oh, Heche… that was very nearly a top notch jab. Right up until the

@ The Next Folds:

Jason Schwartzman would be even better - less predictable, and thus much more fun to watch on a crazy homicidal rampage. The "Edward Norton is just a dweeb waiting to cut loose and kick your ass" thing has been done since Primal Fear, need I even mention Fight Club?

@ Jimmy J

Midnight Gardener
A friend of mine used to live in the same building as Katherine Dunn; we used to lurk in the lobby hoping to catch a glimpse of her, she complimented his bike once and he nearly fainted. Just a typical manifestation of our celebrity obsessed culture I suppose…

The Bi-Curious Case of Benjamin Buttfuck.

Hey, if he yielded me his knife I probably WOULD take my chances in that dark alley. 'Cause, you know, then I'd be armed…

The legitimacy of psychoanalysis is so contentious that the debate about the subject is often referred to as the Freud Wars. Popper argues that psychoanalysis is merely pseudoscience, citing the inconsistency of the discipline's claims with inquiry by the scientific method.[41] Particularly polemic is its proponent's

This shit stomped all over my pathetic 13-year old brain.

What's not to like about the Moppets? It seems only natural that Dr. Girlfriend should have the most ruthless motherfucking henchmen. The whole package is genius!