willie tromboner

"The results are not good, but that’s by design."

I think Lucas is completely correct in what he's saying, but I also can't feel bad for him at all considering he should have realized that the second Disney offered to buy the franchise from him.

that will just make you look like an asshole with a bad sense of humor.

I hated The Invitation until the last 15 minutes. That script was unforgivably awful.

"No wonder BoJack decided to breach his contract and consider life in the suburban climes of Arizona"

STEVE JOBS INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this song is bad but I challenge anyone who thinks it's The Worst Ever to listen to Red Red Wine by UB40 all the way through and tell me that's a better song.

His Swamp Thing run started out mediocre but gradually improves to the point of excellence by the very end. I also liked his She-Hulk quite a bit and think it's unfair to compare him to Humphries, whose run on the Ultimates was really really bad.

who da fuck is bonny bear

can't wait to never watch this movie

This guy is a hack.

It didn't help that the Gillen's YA did next to nothing to explain where she came from or why we should care about her at all. But tbh I thought that whole run was overhyped and not even nearly as good as the Heinberg/Cheung stuff that came before.


Is this clickhole?

Based on marvel's new lineup for October it seems like it might be cancelled already…

Okay well I got the exact moment wrong but he does give him the title later. I'll find the page and upload it when I get home.

Odin does actually give him the title of Beta Ray Thor when he forges a new hammer for him.

Did Patriot die? The last thing I read was him quitting super heroing at the end of Children's Crusade.

Yeah but the movie is still super fucking boring

*prepares for 3 billion minor variations of the same Titus Andromedon joke that has nothing to do with this article*