willie tromboner

It turns out I didn't know I wanted it because I actually didn't want it.

I thought the pacing in season 3 was pretty awful and the end of the last episode was so corny and stupid it kind of killed my interest in watching this show anymore.

It can be two things? Nobody?

Finally LaBeouf will know how it feels to be on the receiving end of plagiarism.

Clickhole is thataway man

Not to me, but I can see how that argument could be made.

Drive - great
Bronson - good
Valhalla Rising - OK
Only God Forgives - terrible

What's the deal with rednecks anyway? Their necks usually aren't even red.

I feel guilty about this but whenever I see this character it makes me think of Fatman from the Weird Al show.


1976: A Simpler time where you could still go to the theatre and have a hearty guffaw over a white kid saying the n-word in the preview for a family comedy.

bring back Mom on Pop

Quiet Lisa, the dog is barking.


*pointer on gauge moves from 'Funny' to 'Die' so quickly it bursts into flame*

I liked the first season of this but have not been in a hurry to start the second one. It's a pretty funny show but always felt kind of inconsequential.

I'm Baskin in your pain, as I'm Robbin you of life.

Why does the av club keep trying to make Now You See Me 2 happen? It's not going to happen.

Do you get in free? You will.

I never noticed before that the kid on the far right side of the album art has his hand pixelated for presumably flipping the bird.