youre being too kind. Just say this is fuckin lame and move on. It's not like these guys are great ground-breakers in comedy. They show old videos. Correct me if Im wrong, but that's been done once or twice now. Its like collegehumor, EIT, etc. If a genuine effort is put forth to bring the funny that kind of…
it is true the sketches are never the reason anyone tuned in but i just cant get behind comparing those at least somewhat thought out attempts at comedy and this tripe.
i just blue myself
Operation: Hot Mother is underway
Split has penetrated into the deepest confines of my soul.
more bullshit to scroll through before I read legit comments by people without learning disabilities.
Oh and Breaking Bad kicks ass
@Fuck The Wire
Amelie is the bestest!
If you enjoy him whatsoever, go watch Season 1 of the Sopranos. I defy you to not at least be curious about what this whole "mafia" thing is all about and how season 2 will play out.
MadTV when it didnt make me want to kill myself Alum
I guess I always kind of thought of Bryan Callen as not being terrible. Not that I gave him much thought in the last decade (he's on HIMYM every once in a while and does fine) but I didnt think he'd make something like this. it'd be like if Orlando Jones made a…
Yeah where's the Iron Marmaduke? He could team up with Warmaduke and kick some ass.
"Officer she told me she was 16 but i KNEW she was 22."
The correct term is 'gagortion.'
I seendt it!!
Yea I guess it's not an airtight theory but still that movie takes it's time with it's silences. When the drug deal aftermath is revealed you can basically hear a pin drop.