Johnny Feathers

Yeah. It will be interesting. They've basically consolidated the entire power structure to just three now: Stark, Lannister, and Targaryan. She's obviously villainous, but we've also seen her humanized (somewhat), and be somewhat more preferable than the Bolotons, Freys, or Faith Militant. Daenarys would seem to

LOVED the way the episode started…..completely silent, then just with the quiet piano soundtrack. You knew shit was about to GO DOWN. Wow.

Scooby Duck.

Of all the movies I've seen, this was one of them!

They remember someone else's laughter, and lifted it wholesale!

That's a hero's work, son. Don't let them tell you otherwise.

I'd say this statement is more accurate. I'm sure they wish they could go back and NOT sell the rights to Fox.

THIS guy gets it!

I guess I don't mind that as much, if they can at least make one successful one set in high school. Otherwise, they'd need an even younger actor to realistically play that period for longer, and how young could they possibly go?

That was one thing I liked about the newly-cast Spider-Man in Civil War. He LOOKED younger. Though, granted, I now see he's actually 20, but still.

I didn't have too much of a problem with them talking about Star Wars, and the joke was funny, but the franchise already went out of its way to erase the 3rd one from continuity. It kind of seemed like piling on at this point.

You know, I only recently realized that the horrible, horrible, "I don't like sand…" line was probably intended to signify how he hated his home planet, which was, obviously, a desert. Which not only doesn't excuse how bad the line is, but makes it maybe even more laughable at an attempt to write something

The reference to "the third movie" seemed anachronistic. I'm not sure if I know of any "trilogies" released by that point, other than maybe horror franchises.

*Cue the Imperial March being played by dentist drills at different speeds…*

I hope they cancelled before paying for another mountain of prop cocaine.

I'm only surprised at how little I care.

"Mommy I don't like this movie!"

We're going to need a bigger box!

Hahaha—yeah, that was about my reaction. If I could get free tix to see them, I'd do it. But it doesn't seem like the free ticket vouchers are good for the same shows as the $2.25 discount vouchers. It's all very confusing.

Ah, I must have missed that. Sure, that works.