Execution by Guillaume

Cutty: "What do you want me to do, shoot her?"

Key also brought up how there are no black people on this show, and that's why Key & Peele made their zombie racism sketch (alas no mention of the only-one-live-black-person-at-a-time rule). Chris Hardwick quickly changed the subject.

He became a calligrapher because growing up is weird

Re: McClane's reaction, agreed, but how much of that is the evolution/devolution of Bruce Willis over the years? As good as he can be, he just mails in some of these action roles nowadays (just ask Kevin Smith).

That was Ghengis Khan! That dude went bananas in a shopping mall in San Dimas.

Carl Winslow was there only to send the fax that set up a "Just the fax, ma'am" joke at the Dulles customer service desk.

He's much older and fatter, but he's still alive. As we all know, the only thing that can kill Barnes is Barnes.

It's weird that this news didn't trigger a HIMYM notification. This site works like magnets.

Zack Morris would totally grow up to be a suave married man who rents an apartment with a gay roomie so he could get laid on the side.

Daisy: Always Lurking

Obviously this is all Edith's fault.

"Beautiful…It looks like a Christmas tree!"

"Beautiful…It looks like a Christmas tree!"

You've obviously never been to The Holy Land Experience!

You've obviously never been to The Holy Land Experience!

"Get yourself together. I don't know if I can be friends with you after this display."

"Get yourself together. I don't know if I can be friends with you after this display."

I always imagined this to be A.C. Slater.

I always imagined this to be A.C. Slater.

A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.