Execution by Guillaume

Why did I spend $75 to take my family to see Minions? BECAUSE I WAS LOADED, OKAY!?!?

I turned 13 the year that "The Rocketeer" and "Career Opportunities" came out…suffice to say that early 90's Jennifer Connelly is pretty solidly imprinted on me even today.


Greggggggggggggggg hates those damn jews blacks GLORY BOYS

"Classic video game references and a sense of humor after a tough loss? Castonzo is really gunning to win Block & Tackle Player Of The Year, an award that does not exist, which only makes his dedication more admirable."

Men at Work is juvenile and stupid and fucking hilarious…I watched the hell out of it throughout my adolescence (golf clap for me). But my love for it is because Keith David steals the fucking movie.

"They're for my wife…she's pregnant!"

Or Sansa.

I'm just impressed you guys found a reason to include a 'Small Wonder' review link in this of all articles.

When their faces were together, I just kept thinking that Kiefer probably has terrible cigarette breath, and that Kim Raver was really using all she had to keep from making the "you have bad breath" face.

I voted for Enlisted's “Vets” and I'm not ashamed. I liked a few of the others listed a bit more, but I'm a vet and it's Memorial Day I'll do what I god damn well please.

"Westeros has declared war on the Stark boys!"

Even Henry was thinking, "Kid, you are royally fucked."

"But it is not this da-"…shit wrong movie.

Operation Market Garden will forever remind me of Elliot Gould's character in A Bridge Too Far, and trying to get the goddamn Bailey bridge over the goddamn river so he could attack the goddamn Germans. (Fun fact, his character in that movie is based on Col. Robert Sink, who is portrayed by Dale Dye in BoB.)

Ramadi in 03-04 (that tour sucked); then Hammer, Striker, and Falcon in 08-09.

I am glad you mentioned the fate of the true Blithe, because once I found out what actually happened to him, his arc here has never felt right upon rewatching. I do wonder if some of Ambrose's sloppy research here initially had anything to do with the accusations of plagiarism levied against him later in his career.

So it went by pretty fast, but it appears they made estimates for all the Blackwater deaths, but didn't make any estimates for the destruction of Robb's army outside the Twins. That was probably 10-15 thousand troops.

NBC has Sunday Night Football…TNF was on NFL Network.