
Holy shit; that's got to be one of the most hilarious political quotes of all time.  “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."  You know, a legitimate rape, like if a guy attacks a woman in a dark alley, she's got little soldiers in her cootchie who shoot down the

How about Franklin and Bash?  Have you been watching Franklin and Bash?

How about Franklin and Bash?  Have you been watching Franklin and Bash?

Well, people aren't typically made into memes because we love them, they're made into memes because they were a joke to begin with, especially in a case like Norris.  I don't know anything specifically about him being a bigot, though I don't doubt your assertion.  And has Norris profited financially from what he's

Well, people aren't typically made into memes because we love them, they're made into memes because they were a joke to begin with, especially in a case like Norris.  I don't know anything specifically about him being a bigot, though I don't doubt your assertion.  And has Norris profited financially from what he's

Now post that comment 100 times, or I'll cut your balls off.

Now post that comment 100 times, or I'll cut your balls off.

I am a Doc Hollywood appreciator as well.  And I've met and socialized with Julie Warner, and she is as delightful as she is beautiful.

I am a Doc Hollywood appreciator as well.  And I've met and socialized with Julie Warner, and she is as delightful as she is beautiful.

The reanimated corpse of Evel Knievel.

The reanimated corpse of Evel Knievel.

The ad for this came on in the background while I was surfing the web, and as the constant stream of "sit-shit" puns and the musical chairs concept slowly crept into my brain, I got confused because I didn't think I had left it on SNL or some other sketch comedy show, but I was convinced this had to be parody.  Then

The ad for this came on in the background while I was surfing the web, and as the constant stream of "sit-shit" puns and the musical chairs concept slowly crept into my brain, I got confused because I didn't think I had left it on SNL or some other sketch comedy show, but I was convinced this had to be parody.  Then

I have a strange suspicion that my strange suspicion that this argument he's making may be less than genuine is less than genuine.

I have a strange suspicion that my strange suspicion that this argument he's making may be less than genuine is less than genuine.

I have a strange suspicion that this argument he's making may be less than genuine.

I have a strange suspicion that this argument he's making may be less than genuine.

"I didn't mean I was any better or holier than Jesus Christ, I just meant that he's lame and stupid and I'm awesome and you should all worship me as the rock 'n' roll God that I am."

"I didn't mean I was any better or holier than Jesus Christ, I just meant that he's lame and stupid and I'm awesome and you should all worship me as the rock 'n' roll God that I am."

Syd Barrett's is better.