
I'm sorry, but as the worst of Woody goes, Melinda and Melinda was *really* close to insufferable. I didn't see Match Point, but if it really is a pale retake of Crimes and Misdemeanors, then it's the second one he's made, because so was Melinda and Melinda. Worse than that; it's more of a straight ripoff of C&M.

There's a difference between saying "We believe in freedom of expression, but we draw the line at expressing hateful ideas and philosophies," and saying, "We believe in freedom of expression, but we don't like the way you've chosen to express yourself, so you can take your ball and go home." Nothing he said was

You never forget your first fail.

And the Wonka candy brand continues to this day, despite the fact the nobody ever eats it. While the movie continually crops up on all the basic cable "family" channels.

I saw it. I remember it being funny in a not-actually-laughing-at-it sort of way, kind of like much of Kids in the Hall. I recognized and respected its ambitions and clevernesses, and that's good enough I suppose.

Tyler Perry.

There was this guy who I worked with once who was really big on Pink Floyd, who I like by the way. But the subject of Zeppelin came up, and he just started dogging on them and talking some shit, fully aware that I'm a huge Zeppelin fan. When he finally got done, I said, "I wish I could come back at you, but I

"I will never say anything worth repeating in any context, even ironically."

Tyler Perry.

1. Check Your Head
2. Check Your Head
3. Check Your Head (yes, it's good enough to take up the first three spots)
4. Paul's Boutique
5. Ill Communications
6. Hello Nasty/5 Boroughs (yes, they're too close to call)
7. License to Ill

At the time, I found Back to the Future Part II excessively frenetic, unfunny, uninvolving, and unnecessary.

Fuck this movie.

Tyler Perry.

Tyler Perry.

Uh oh, uh oh, uh-oh uh-oh!

Tyler Perry.

But now I've worked past those two strong openers and heard the rest and it's a bit of a mixed bag. I agree that it's an improvement over To the 5 Boroughs. But I don't know, the music sounds kind of menacing to me. Not that that's a bad way to go, but it's a little one-note. A little of it grabbed me, and it will

I occasionally lie to people I tell them I have *not* seen Napoleon Dynamite, so I can avoid the "Wasn't it hilarious?" discussion where I tell them, "No, it was not hilarious. It was about as far from hilarious as any non-Holocaust related film I've ever seen."

I was a sitcom junkie as a youth, and I know I watched reruns of this, probably on the old CBN along with Dobie Gillis and Love That Bob. Like most family shows of its era it wasn't particularly funny, but Robert Young was a charming presence, and it was warm without being sappy or cloying like The Donna Reed Show or

Or the song featuring the duet of Michael and Janet Jackson?