
Well, it doesn't, unless I guess you live in some primitive nation that uses livestock as currency.

Well I'm right here, but I'm not entirely sure why I've been summoned….

This is shocking and outrageous. I am canceling my Netflix subscription immediately.

In high school, his classmates voted him most likely not to receive recognition from his peers.

I find Community watchable, and Modern Family slightly irritating. So Community wins.

They're coming to get you, FirstToFail….


Technical, I think it's a prologue.

Which one?


You sir have evil in your heart and doo-doo in your soul.

I don't get it.

Maybe it was with a safety pin.

In the new Red Dawn, the Chinese conquer America by means of an elaborate prank involving urinating in soda beverages.

To me, he's the judge in Seems Like Old Times.

@ Neckbeard

There was actually only two Pythons in Eric the Viking, Cleese and Jones. And it is *not* good, by the way.

Yes, without Nillson's influence, John Lennon would never have recorded the Walls and Bridges album.

I like Louis very much. However, I would not include any of the parenthetically listed shows in the original post as "great". The original Office comes closest, but the rest, they go from amusing to meh. And that includes the vastly overrated Arrested Development.

I guess it takes a slow weekend for a George Clooney movie to come in… with a higher box office total than the other films released.