
And not a word about Helen Hunt in…everything Helen Hunt has used an "accent" in. (I'm lookin' at you, AS GOOD AS IT GETS and CAST AWAY.)

Aperol? St Germain? Clearly I shop at the wrong liquor store.

Is it just me, or does this sound like SNOWPIERCER?

Fire Meets Gasoline — Sia.

Ugh. Those points are all valid, re the evidence. But they completely miss the point of Making a Murderer, which was that the police & DA acted improperly at best, certainly enough to warrant a mistrial (I mean, Jesus, the fact that Dassey's lawyer wasn't disbarred is astonishing, to name but one item). As Avery's

Here's the thing about THE BABADOOK: It's great if you don't need any kind of explanation for the book. How it got onto the shelf, that kind of thing. Where it came from. Sigh.

"An protege" — this is the third article I've read here today with a really obvious spelling or grammar mistake. Who's doing the proofing at A.V. Club now? A kitten? Because kittens, while adorable, are not known for their mastery of syntax.

Because shaming women is inherently hilarious. "Great" job, internet.

"whose" rather than "who's" — Who's copyediting?

"Sirkian," right?