some guy

To be fair, it says 'the worst banshee plot ever drowns in a sea of confession and gore', meaning that the serial killer plot (which to be fair, no one really liked) is now dead. Anyway, onto the finale next week. Here's to this series ending on a high note.

For some reason (and I wouldn't mind disagreement), I disliked 'The Thing from Another World'. You can call me a person who's too young to understand the film if you want, but I personally found 'The Thing' to be a far superior adaptation of 'Who Goes There?'. 'The Thing from Another World' is hokey and, at most

So, they're going to pull a 'Venture Brothers' again and make us wait 1 1/2 years AFTER a cliffhanger. At least it's not 2 or even 3 years, I guess.

Better than last week's horrible mess but still just 'ok' on its own. A B in my eyes.

Another A-?! I never thought this day would come. Good episode though.

I guess it's more of a satire. It's not afraid to criticise the topic it's emulating.

Pretty good episode. Excellent self-aware emulation of The Purge. Except, you know, actually pretty funny. And good.