Only took two posts until we got our first pee joke?
Only took two posts until we got our first pee joke?
Liked the film, LOVED the ending
Mr. Tobias is correct-the ending is just about perfect for this film. It reflects what I liked about how the characters' relationship grew organically & never felt forced. The ending- if this was a Hollywood movie, it would've focused on the visceral images, the gore, the violence. But…
Psh, what are you saying guys? Throwing out words like "attractive" and "cute"!
Dotted the "t"s and crossed the "i"s made me giggle.
Other than that, I'm sad that he's gone from The Hold Steady.
Leave Mrs. Future Ex-VinceNotVance alone
Actually, don't. So then she'll get all depressed and mopey, then hook up with a shlub like me, then marry me, then take half my shit.
I hear they're hiring someone for the 12:05 slot on NBC, you should check that out.
That'd be the most epic thing of all time ever. Fuck. Yes.
Let me set the record straight people.
Watching that lovely clip from "Crossroads"
Reminded me that there was a time and place (most likely 2002) where I would get a boner from just looking at Britney Spears.
One of the next movies will be called
Just about to say the same thing. While "Spider-Man" was fun when it came out, try watching it in 2010 and see what conclusions you'll come up with. It's ultimately a hokey,silly and ridiculous (but still somewhat entertaining) attempt to bring the classic hero to the big screen.
For all you "anal-rapists" out there
I ventured to Marina Del Rey, CA to see where the Bluth Banana Stand was located.
It would be, if Ghostface's "Fishscale" didn't come out that exact same year.
John the Raptist?
Who else read that as "John the Rapist"? That would've been a more inspired name.
Yeah, but Skank Skank Revolution would be an even better one.
I'd also like to point out that nothing can kill the Grimace, not even the deadly Motaba virus.
I hear
That this is Paul Rudd's favorite movie.
I had an opportunity to meet Geoff Johns
and I skipped out on it. Does that make me a bad person, even though I don't give two shits about comic books?