
I'm a police dispatcher and I'm working but just not very hard in honor of Labor Day.  So if you call 911 and I answer, keep that in mind.

Not too shabby actually
Much better than Transmorphers.


I don't want to be "that" guy but…
Isn't he in a terrarium? I know there is a (plastic) fish involved and some water, but he's still a lizard. My apologies for the post.

When i was but a lad, my mother involved me in some sort of weird after school christian fun crafts gathering with the other degenerates in my neighborhood. all i really remember was making a great snack that involved balls of honey & peanut butter rolled in shredded coconut then frozen for a few hours.

Have to admit, I've always been interested in trying vegemite but i've never had the "chazwazzles" to go through with it.

Good call. I'm glad I wasn't alone on that one.

Drunk BBQing is the BEST BBQing in my opinion.

The true test of a childhood friend
Was having them come over and not freak out at the food you were eating. Just serve yourself a bowl there and enjoy the nintendo.

Now drunken snacks is always a crowd pleaser.

FINALLY someone brings up tortillas!

Nothing more satisfying…
Than seeing your question answered by the AV Club.

Well that's sort of a bummer but I suppose if at least 1 shouting match ensues, i'll consider it a win.

You forgot 1 important thing to mention…
Like in New Super Mario Bros. Wii will it make my girlfriend and I want to MURDER each other?

You'd Better Listen To Abuela
maybe its our culture, but i can guarantee that if ANY kind of apocalypse goes down I'd be the first to be shooting heads.

Drunk Charlie
personally, i thought Drunk Charlie was done with a superb understanding of how alcohol affects the body & the mind. the way he speaks, the way he acts & even the way he looks were spot on. & at the end when he tells Dennis "I'm just super drunk" was the best.