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    I don’t want to be THAT guy (really!), but doesn’t it sound odd that you don’t enjoy a well-made movie? Why is that? Wasn’t the Big Lebowski made to be enjoyed, but you did not enjoy it and yet you describe it as ‘well-made’?

    Aaand another double-post, somehow. DISQUS hates me, so I'll just quit then :(.

    Wow, a snarky comment contributing nothing to the discussion. Well done!

    I never actually understood why enjoyability and greatness are considered different beasts. Would you measure other things in life that way? "While sex with you, my dear lady, was real enjoyable, a lot of the moves you used were cliche and the moans, while timed perfectly, seemed redundant with all the trembling and

    Ahh, sorry, double-post.

    I think it's the same guy, who a couple of weeks ago complained in the comments that secondary characters on tv shows are not porn stars, so he can't jerk off to them after he sees the episode. I really dig his ramblings about women sexuality.