markovian with a sordid past

There would have been no logical reason to do such a thing. It would have diminished the triumph he had in breaking Picard and getting him to see 5 lights when there were in fact four.

(by which I mean Ballad of Fallen Angels. This episode is alright but never really stood out for me. Glad others enjoyed it though.)

Me too. It was the first episode to make me think this show might be kinda special.

Margaret Rutherford FTW
Best Miss Marple ever.

And you people complain the staff avoids the comments section.

I would like to have heard about Red Alert 3
Based on the music video and everything else, that looks like it was a total blast to do.

don't forget the dude is building a PYRAMID for himself in New Orleans (no really). good to see the financial problems have made him more responsible.

There were some TNG eps that rank among the best of Star Trek, most often driven by Patrick Stewart's acting.

@Baltimoron: I honestly think that's the case with a lot of cities, though. You'll notice that the population did not move far; most of it simply moved to Baltimore County, Carroll or Harford. Just like a lot of cities, there's been movement towards the suburbs while the population within the city has gone down.

Yeah, the cop survives and it seems pretty clear that comment was added in as a defense for exactly the sort of criticism that gets leveled in this video. I did find myself raising an eyebrow at that scene and a couple of the other scenes of collateral damage, especially during the big finale on the freeway. I chose

Please make Whoopi Goldberg stop staring at me.

The Gallagher interview is pretty amazing as well.

2001 definitely belongs on the respectable list.

Just joining in the WTF? chorus to the O.P.

Re: The Shining mythology
I think you nail Session 9 pretty well but I kinda object to your offhand comment about The Shining "overloading" on the mythology. I always read The Shining movie as dealing with the "ghosts" in the American white male psyche. As a white male in modern America, Jack seems to face "threats"

Re: Grosse Point Blank soundtrack
Something I'm surprised no one mentioned when singing its praises: the score was by Joe Strummer. It's no surprise it was eclectic, well-selected and awesome.

I'm still pulling for all dwarves to be played by Harry Knowles. There's hope yet.