Carnivorous Danus

I think she especially deserves a great deal of credit when you see how varied the color palatte and shading are in this sequence, yet still convey her incredible eye and distinctive touch. Far more than can be said of some other celebrated indie stylistic directors.

Yeah I understand exactly the breed of film fan that made it and hats off to him for putting in all the hours of work I never would. He's more than entitled to play to his movie-watching background. I'm just wishfully thinking of this concept on a broader canvas.

The Gaye family are making the strongest case for the stupidity of intellectual propriety I've ever heard. A group of people trying to erase a song they had nothing to do with from collective consciousness for having a similar groove to another song they also had nothing to do with. The idea of "owning" an idea in any

Technically a Danish production, but c'mon it's in English and starring Kirsten Dunst. That and choosing the frame-by-frame American remake of Funny Games strike me as fairly ethnocentric choices.

Wonderful concept. As constructive criticism I'd say way too modern (earliest films were The Searchers in '56, Strangelove '64, and 2001 in '68 and everything else '72 on) and way too American (Solaris is the only foreign production to make the cut). It's missing a lot of iconic bookenders like Fellini, Chaplin,

"Stop the presses my panini can wait," feels straight out of a Naked Gun movie, which is probably why I love it so much.

The most impressive thing about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: one upping the absurdist musical specificity of "Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah."

It's funny cause Matt Lauer's too stupid to realize they're laughing at him not with him.

The pilot was already much stronger and self assured in concept than 30 Rock's pilot was. It's pretty wild how easily it slips into the comic rhythm of 30 Rock as well, just a joke delivering machine. I wasn't expecting it to feel like Fey's voice as much as it does, kinda figured she was going to launch it and coast

Oh Amy can throw down as a nonsense freestyler:

Oddly enough, there's nothing I'm gonna miss more when Letterman leaves than his interviews with Sedaris.

Davidson's coming for both of them. A 20 year old put them both to shame with actual on-camera charisma.

I find this view somewhat myopic. Natural consequence should certainly follow free speech and if you're someone who's paid to voice opinions it naturally follows that you can stop being paid when those opinions are hateful, ignorant, etc. (Also, I simply don't give a shit about Rob Schneider or the Dixie Chicks'

That screen grab up there is the most jaw dropping frame of film ever shot. It's sort of a shame to put it up there for people who haven't seen it yet. I mean it's not exactly what you'd call a spoiler, but should really been seen in its proper context for full impact.

Oh no, first Piers Morgan, now you! Truly the LGBT movement is costing itself some indispensable supporters. When will they learn that once someone declares themselves "on your side" they are forever above reproach in how they go about supporting? From now on they must lavish praise and hand feed grapes to every cis

It's apparent that many people think good intentions and broad expressions of token support excuse having to put in a modicum of effort into their supposed sensitivity. But by all means, "fuck it."

Yeah, looks like an LX1.

"I sympathize with what you're saying here, but I can't help but think that, dealing with history, the best policy is just to refer to people as they self-identified at the time in question, or as they were referred to publicly at the time in the absence of certainty that they viewed themselves otherwise."

Oh on the defensiveness thing, I was thinking more of something like the NYT response by saying they would refer to Chelsea as Bradley until she had reassignment surgery. Absolutely appalling on their part.

Yeah, my experiences with the trans community would back up Chaz's sentiments. And of course gender identification is a much bigger problem than semantics, which is why it's all the more important for journalists to not treat it arbitrarily. Look no further than that horrendous article and its scare quotes in the