Carnivorous Danus

Yeah, I think that's the kind of imbecilic false equivalency MacDonald wants to evoke here, but it's simply not true and certainly not true of Darby. Look, say what you will about the tenets of anarchism dude, I've heard it all, but to say they're power hungry manipulators at heart suggests you've never actually met

Jeeeeesus. That doesn't suffer from the same pop psychology as this review, but Noel has a terrible read on Darby and is laughably hard on the people he betrayed. (They believe in destruction of corporate property?! Noooooo!) Both reviews seem really out of their depth here. Film reviewers covering political

"The fact that he could turn on a dime to become bosom buddies with the FBI—and, later, a star of the Tea Party movement—shows how mutable the roles of anarchist and authority figure are."

Theatricality and narcissism are traits I'd much sooner apply to our electoral process than the activist scene.

@avclub-04d5b8d0675c52017cc0ad3a615d3846:disqus  "…But it's not accurate to say that Muslim countries are the same level of oppressive as their Christian or Jewish counterparts. They are, generally speaking, much more restrictive, and that's something that I don't think should be softened or made light of."

@avclub-8b59528c5bbf7073061271c79ba0e1e0:disqus Nooooooooooooooooooooope, wrong, wrong, wrong on every single thing:

@avclub-8b59528c5bbf7073061271c79ba0e1e0:disqus Who's dismissing criticism of Islam? It's certainly fair game insofar as Christianity and Judaism are. I'm dismissing the exceptional criticism of Islam that propagates bigoted rhetoric. (And I don't really understand @avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus 's

Pretentious music critics, apparently.

@Chryso42:disqus Nope, bullshit. The new atheist set like Maher and Dawkins and Harris all single out Muslims as uniquely primitive in their condemnations. Saying "Some kooky Christians believe the Earth is 6,000 years old" is not the same as "These people are intrinsically less civilized as us." Maher has explicitly

The Pablo Schreiber Speak Easy is where it's at people. He commits to smashing the drinks per interview record (downing Kir Royale like shots) and takes Paul mistakenly calling him by his more famous brother's name in stride.

Robbie Robertson wasn't kidding. That horn section is something else.

They do that shit all the fucking time in lumping anything "alt-country" together. They compared Old Crow Medicine Show to Mumford and Sons last time out. Find someone with distinguishing taste for the genre or stop reviewing them, AV Club. I'm tired of reading this whiney "Why do people still write twangy songs about

@avclub-bf59aaafb2d7eef459b48b5a0d49fac4:disqus Dig, but to be clear it wasn't a line reading. That shit was off the top of the dome.

Buzzfeed (stay with me) did a surprisingly fantastic long form piece on Clue's New Cult Canon status. Included is the fact that Madeleine Kahn was the only person allowed to improvise and she came up with that piece of business. Apparently there were about half a dozen takes and it kept getting longer and longer.

You're watching Indiana Jones and you should probably get your tv repaired.

"You know that trip to Belize we were talking about? Book it."

Ooo, good question, rotating seems the way to go but for the sake of wish fulfillment: Paul F. Tompkins, Jen Kirkman, Hannibal Buress, John Mulaney, and Tig Notaro.

I don't understand how no one's clued in on bringing British panel shows over for this circle of comedians. Doug Benson could do a Nevermind the Buzzcocks for movies (or just Doug Loves Movies in the panel format).

I feel like this episode honed in on what's gonna make this show great. Earlier on they tended to do one sketch lined up against the next, but this had about three recurring elements (Hader's revelations, Spin 2 Win, and Reggie's time delay) and had them all going at once which creates this controlled chaos that suits

Yeah her voice will just ruin me for any other singer on the planet for weeks on end. And even more than her tonal quality or range (impressive as they are) it's her phrasings. I don't know how she does it but she makes this bold, dynamic choices and they pay off every single time.