Carnivorous Danus

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus I imagine Chappelle in his younger days was the kind of comic who would deal with things as Burr did, but I think a lot of his newfound take on life means respecting himself and that means not accepting the terms of a largely white audience dictating his performance as a

I don't understand how Weinstein thinks their movie has unique rights to these "secrets." Does he think he bought Salinger's soul?

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus I said by the standard @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus established of Bill Burr's Philadelphia show that absolutely is abusive treatment. People were throwing shit. You want to debate whether Hartford rose to the level of abuse, fine, but this was an

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus If the standard of what a performer has to endure is the Bill Burr incident, then I'm definitely on Dave Chappelle's side. That's fucking insane and only worked out because Bill Burr is uniquely sadomasochistic with his audience, and even he would tell you that's not an

@avclub-7d3599b51843974f0e36e2cb2397ed32:disqus There are not time duplicates because people inside the button bubble get reset, too. They just have their memory and physical properties (like any dollars or diamonds they have on them) in tact. People in the box don't get reset at all. The only way there would be

It's remotely conceivable that people responsible for the FXX experiment (or people paid to give marketing advice to those people) are checking in on hubs of their flagship show's fan pages to see what their response is. I dunno, I don't really get people on the internet complaining about people on the internet

I hope they use this copy verbatim for the linear notes. Talk about damning with faint praise.

Nah, guy's a health freak. He's not putting that poison in his body.

Labeled "supplicant," which is a beautiful word play.

I never got the sense that she was a sociopath, just one of those people who are operating at a level far savvier than her peers and doesn't have much patience for suffering fools.

It's almost unbearably adorable.

Yeah I'm not really serious, but Christ the guy has a dozen television shows, why doesn't he say hey how about throwing Jonah Ray a bone or something?

I don't really have a problem with Chris Hardwick, but at what point does he honestly become a dick for taking all the jobs?

…Also because he's a lovable tramp with vaudevillian mannerisms?

There's no tap dancing in City Lights, or any Chaplin film that I can think of. It was, however a thinly veiled parody of the Nancy Kerrigan saga.

I still say Michael Keaton's the best Batman and as perfectly fine I am with Ben Affleck, I would totally be on board with Michael Keaton coming back to play Batman: The Winter Years. Or have him play regular Batman and no one acknowledge how old and out of shape he is, I don't give a shit.

It took me like 5 minutes to recognize him. He was outstanding.

Between Regular Sized Rudy and the librarian, Bob's Burgers has an incredible knack of getting at the essence of a minor character in a couple lines.

When Patton Oswalt takes a shit does the AV Club Instagram it?

King hat, nice Paul F. Tompkins reference.