Carnivorous Danus

Yeah, I don't know why people can't accept someone mentioning one thing alongside another without taking it to be equating the two. It's why I've really come to hate Godwin's Law.

He didn't like publishing during his lifetime. Apparently he very meticulously labeled his works for what was to be published after his death. This was always the plan.

Oh I totally missed what you were referring to. Never read The Cuckoo's Calling, interesting.

I think the actors not being available as they all have successful movie careers excuses the first?

Yeah I just blasted through the remaining episodes since posting this. While your (and my suspicions) were right in that they keep everything in play, there are some aspects where I would make the unflattering The Killing comparison, but I guess we can get to that in the coming weeks.

I recently went back and watched the first couple seasons and remembered it was a totally different show that would no longer be relevant. Much more focused as a straight Grey's Anatomy parody and all those elements are long gone. I dunno, it's a show who's only rule is be funny (and strict continuity on Cutter

"People fly to Europe to see it!"

Hahaha, oh man when you lay Rosie Larsen's timeline out like that it's an absolute riot.

So far what's makes this superior to, say, The Killing in its red herrings is that they don't seem to just be dropping threads or not trying to connect them to the broader narrative. So you can get to a place where, alright, Mark was having an affair on that night but it still doesn't rule him out and it still might

Yeah, someone follows you around to tell you not to find the killer probably ought to raise some red flags.

He's probably the first real innovator of film to break into Hollywood in a long, long time. He does genre stuff and there's lots of nods to be sure, but his approach to editing and shot composition is totally his own and immediately recognizable. As opposed to certain other filmmakers who just approach direction as a

Jen Kirkman really goes for it like no one else. Not just getting pretty fucking hammered, but understanding that it works best when the speaker is trying to take it as seriously as possible.

So is Dick Van Dyke Aquaman or Unbreakable?

Whoa, Feeding of the 5000 is excellent start to finish.

I came here to post the exact same thing. Mitchell and Webb are so perfectly vicious when it comes to attacking reality/documentary television.

I never got the reference, but that's one of my favorite lines because it plays to her being somewhat off the whole episode. I love whenever they reveal Marge to be just slightly fucked in the head. (See also: her pushing potatoes on Bart and Lisa, "I just think they're neat.")

Have you listened to This American Life?

I don't hear a melody or even chord progression that matches either songs, so it doesn't sound like much of a case. In any case, those are two awesome grooves with none of the rape-y lyrics or blatant nepotism.

Hey, public radio. The working class is not a vacation destination you visit to "find yourself" as a tourist of authenticity.

Huh, what? None. The answer is none. The fuck are we debating here?