Carnivorous Danus

Mrs. Sugar Bottom gives the best awkward hugs.

They were, but Alphonse also thought they were penguins.

Any other show would've stopped at the bottle gag. That's probably as concisely as you could encapsulate Childrens Hospital's humor.

I bet there's some nice hidden gems in there for anyone who can interpret sign.

Here's how stupid I am, for a brief moment I wondered if they were able to get Lola and Valerie in this episode because they shot it on a different location away from Japan and worked around their schedules. Yep, actual thought I had there. But the show's definitely shot in Brazil the rest of the time, right gang?

I pictured the Gallimimus stampede scene from Jurassic Park, only with Gallipenis. Everyone under the log!

@olivececile:disqus I love that line so much, and coming after the "Boom!" as if to say that's all there is to it, but here's some more instructions. Start to finish it's such a perfect, pure joke.

@avclub-42174967e0d54eedf303a49717e020bb:disqus Yes that's exactly the nice guy critique I was referring to. Well put.

To be clear, I sort of using "nice guy" in the derogatory sense. Or to put a finer point on it, he's often written by people who are overly sympathetic to the "nice guy" narrative, a guy who's by virtue of being kind and caring and not one of those muscly, handsome jerks deserves the beautiful, capable girl. If

I haven't seen a lot of Adventure Time, but isn't Finn exceptionally brave? Fry even lacks chivalry.

I suppose that depends on how you define nerd. I never took it to be tied to intelligence, but obsessive about subcultures as Fry is about Star Trek. The nerd validation is taking the sci fi geek with no friends and putting him in his ideal environment with a fucking robot for a best friend and he gets the hot kick

I think Fry's the most fascinating character in animation, in a perverse sort of way. He's well defined, but that definition is being completely unremarkable in every single way, not particularly charming or good looking or skilled, but also not aggressively ugly or incapable. Even Homer was exceptionally stupid,

I find it hard to believe anything could be less subtle than Life is Beautiful.

Above the law in its traditional usage is an idiom, correct. In this context she is also cheekily referring to the literal placement of Momsanto hovering above the purview of the law. So to quote Peter, it means two things, one literal and one idiomatic.

Oh shit yeah let's get pedantic. The definition you cite is misleading in that playing on "above the law" to its literal and not figurative intent is changing the general meaning of the phrase, but a pun must have a change in the meaning of a specific word to imply its homonym or near homonym. All of the words in

I believe it was "Stop masturbating at me," which is much, much funnier.

If a show's worth were measured solely in the quality of conversations it starts with its viewers, OITNB would be in a class by its own.

It's just occured to me how odd it is Julia Louis Dreyfus never had a career as a romantic lead in film. That's baffling. She was the female lead on the most popular sit com ever, how did every single casting agent in the world drop the ball on that?

The matter of factness in a small critical circle surrounding this really fucking bugs me. If you don't like it, you don't like it, but acting like there's a strong consensus of Arrested Development Season 4 as a letdown is some bullllshit. A lot of us definitely thought it was as strong or stronger than the previous

Well he's much closer to the first season incarnation of Michael Scott. He's doing exactly what Carell did before the writers started to pick up on his sweetness and write to that. I doubt Odenkirk would've even auditioned if the script looked like Season 5 Michael. It's less a question of pulling anything off, it