Carnivorous Danus

Holy shit, I clicked this headline expecting a garbage can on a couple tonka trucks. That is phenomenal.

Can't say it's not the smart move for Glover, and there's no indication that he's compromised himself artistically…but, yeah, there's that probably childish fandom impulse in me that says I thought everyone was in it together in the battle for six seasons and a movie.

Has there ever been a band that photographed better live? Good God that photo up top is the epitome of cool.

@olumide:disqus I'd agree with all of that. I think the big difference is that I could see Cody being a good writer if she'd simply drop the affectations, while Sorkin seems to only have his affectations going for him. His character work is shit and I personally can't stand his world view.

I was genuinely curious if you thought Diablo Cody positively or negatively balanced out Sorkin. They're both polarizing writers.

I can't tell which way you're going with this.

Yeah, maybe this trailer's misleading and she's found her footing, but Young Adult was a beautiful freak accident where Cody somehow suppressed all her writing flaws and turned in a well structured and sharply written script.

One of the greatest songwriters ever for sure, and you're right so underrated as a singer. And his Live at Carnegie Hall belongs on the short list of great live albums:

I'm glad someone else noted this, he was killing me in this episode. I just lost it at his disappointment in Cross winning the wishbone.

So help you God if you get a drummer. Jack White has a patent on those.

Anyone watch Speakeasy with Paul F. Tompkins? He had a surprisingly great interview with Nate Corddry who was brutally honest about the failures of Studio 60. In addition to a ton of people getting way full of themselves before an episode even aired, Corddry knew they were fucked when the dramatic cliffhanger was

13 chances left to make Ann Perkins interesting. The race is on!

So help you God you better post the audio along with it.

Somehow your twisted penis logic sidestepped the Caplan-Bell make out.

God, anyone else suspect Ringwald just spends her day in bakeries hoping someone will say something?

Awesome catch, I love this show's devotion to only the weirdest continuity elements and total disregard for the most obvious ones.

In New York it's a point of pride to yell "Fuck you, big shot! Think you're better than me?" during a celebrity sighting.

I love Leopold's story in To Rome With Love, absurdly funny and surreal in a way he's never done on film before (it felt more like one of his one-act plays or short stories). People really overstate his repetitiveness. He's much more in the BIlly Wilder tradition of having a distinctive voice, but game for filtering

Because I don't think anyone on earth could keep a straight face on "Sydney Applebaum"?

Not to be pedantic (okay, to be totally pedantic), but it's been five years since The Supreme Genius of King Khan and the Shrines. God was that an awesome album, can't wait for this.