
I feel like its also kind of important to acknowledge that, to my mind, this is the first time the Lip Sync For Your Life was to a song performed by a male singer. Yes, its in Sylvester's glorious falsetto, and yes, its a gay anthem, but I still think its an important milestone to acknowledge.

Laganja is so clearly an only child it's not even funny

Oh for sure, LA people love to talk a good game about how they have the greatest Mexican food in the world even though 90% of the time those people are eating mediocre TexMex.

That was confusing to me because the actor playing Patrick's workmate is gay IRL

I mean he's kind of right, as hard as it is to be a young gay guy looking for love, its a lot easier if you look like Jonathan Groff

"The only one he’s interested in is a doctor named Benjamin who looks good on paper, or OKCupid as the case may be, but who turns out to be the personification of a Christopher Nolan movie, a humorless accountant who lets an obviously bad thing keep dragging on to the point where he owes his audience money. " That

I mean I'm sure they turned out hot garbage (as I suspect happens more often than we are led to believe in quickfire challenges) but Choi was kind of a superior dickface. As annoyed as Carlos makes me, I couldn't help but laugh out loud when Choi was going on about how he knows the soul of tacos al pastor because they

What's so great about it? From a directing standpoint its a weird stuffy mess that is at odds with the script, it treats its characters like inanimate objects, and it doesn't really have anything more to say about slavery or race than "it was really bad you guys." Just because its the first movie to graphically depict

Yeah, and I say this as someone who has some big problems with 12 Years a Slave, but if anything, it wasn't preachy enough. All it really had to say was look you guys, slavery was really bad, and kind of left the discussion there. Not to mention it treated its characters more like action figures to be moved from one

Did anyone else find the joke about Kent's cum face funny given, Office Space?

FALSE. Well mostly false. Sure there are people out there saying that rape jokes should be off limits all the time (just as there are people saying that all kinds of jokes should be off limits all the time). If we are referring to to the most recent rape joke situation that happened aka the douchebags and monsters

Absolutely. Outdoor venues are death for an MBV concert. Well maybe not death, but I feel like the power and disassociative power of You Made Me Realise would be diminished if the sound wasn't contained in the room.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let Ryan McGee write more reviews!!!!! Alias is on Netflix and Amazon Prime streaming so it's easily accessible. And his critical eye will be ever more important as Alias starts careening out of control (that said, I still think it has one of the more satisfying series finales I have ever seen,

Between this and his Alias recaps (which FYI, I'm going through again since all of Alias is on Netflix/Amazon Prime and you should start up again). Ryan McGee is becoming one of my favorite writers on AVClub

I know Bunheads isn't like the HEIGHT of realism or anything, but is anyone else worried that a conflict in future episodes is that Fanny and Michelle might lose part of their land to the alpaca guy? Having recently taken Property law, the fact that alpaca guy has been renting out their land as his own for 10 years is

Seriously though, this can't be seen as anything more than a scheme to get us to watch/care about LCK right? Look at both Gail and Tom's blogs from last night that both end with ANYTHING can happen on LCK so you better watch! Sad thing is, it worked and I will probably watch now.

Unless, of course, they have a vagina

Yeah it's true at least Stefan can make the food refined if nothing else. Even if Josh can figure out how to make Filipino food, its still going to look like crap on a plate.

I know the previews suggest the finals are going to be close next week, but I feel like Sheldon's concept (authentic Filipino food w/ refined presentation) is going to be really really hard to execute. I doubt Stefan and Josh are going to have any idea about what they are making let alone be able to prepare it

John turning into the Pickle Gollum was one of the best competitive reality show breakdowns since Corbin Bernsen on Celebrity Mole: Hawaii