Mod Wolf

OP's point was that his NES cartridges will always continue to work. I'm just saying, that isn't true. Everything dies, baby that's a fact.

Saw Pixies on their reunion tour before 'Indie Cindy' came out. Was one of the most disappointing shows ever. Francis' voice was heavily processed — he seriously had whatever the vocal equivalent of a guitar pedal for when he had to "scream" for a song — and they had about as much life and personality as the

Look guys, Alakaboem just learned the word "ostinato" and really needs to make sure we get that, OK?

It sounds instantly familiar to me because it has a very similar melody to R.E.M.'s "Hollow Man". Tell me they couldn't start singing "…believe in me believe in nothin'…" at any point in this song.

"The sneakshot (slingshot) club is probably not something that's going to be hugely relevant." As someone who's read the books: hehehehehehehe

Probably video poker, not a traditional "video game" as such. That was his favorite game at the Rainbow.

Oh hey, I've read Chuck Klosterman too.

Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong.

A list of pre-k shows that won't drive parents insane that's missing 'Shaun the Sheep' and 'Timmy Time' is woefully incomplete.

Samurai Jack was pretty cool. I don't know why every single western animation action show produced afterward has to imitate that character design, though. It's become the default style of western cartoons in the same way that anime-style is the default in Japan.

In the universe of the 'Gentlemen Bastards' books, which I've just finished reading, ship's cats are considered so important that the protagonist's crew mutinees when they learn he's forgotten to bring any cats onboard.

The problem with Mastodon is they seem to be trying to be a modern-may Metallica. Not in the sense that they sound like Metallica, but going from beginnings as a hardcore metal band to more of an hard rock arena band. And there wouldn't be any problem with that, except that none of the guys in Mastodon can sing worth

I find this to be true of almost all heavy music. I always read these great reviews of metal or hardcore albums that make them sound amazing, and I go listen to them and I'm like, "Ooh, this sounds awesome" and then the vocals start and I turn it off and hit delete.

What's not to love about a band whose music is described — in an article austensibly in favor of them — as "excruciating," "alienating," "monotony," "harsh," "cold," "distant," "aloof," "isolated," and "polarizing"? Sounds great!

What's not to love about a band whose music is described — in an article austensibly in favor of them — as "excruciating," "alienating," "monotony," "harsh," "cold," "distant," "aloof," "isolated," and "polarizing"? Sounds great!

Then Pixies definitely should feel bad. They're one of my favorite bands ever and yet when I saw them about six months ago I left before the first encore. They played note-for-note renditions of every song on 'Doolittle' with exactly the passion of the animitronic band at Chuck E. Cheese. Only Kim Deal, bless her,

As an interviewer myself it always blows me away how people are so afraid of being pinned down on anything that they talk and talk without actually saying anything. Musicians and actors are the worst about this.

Om nom nom nom
I'm going to hear that noise in my head every time I play Pac-Man now.

At least
They got some musicians that have actually had some sort of success this century.