
I dimly recall an allusion made to Gabriel running agents in Stalingrad, which would have been pretty close.

I actually haven't seen it. I've got it in the queue and am now looking forward to it all the more.

The White Ribbon.

If anyone could sell that, it's McConaughey.

Hey, it's not like he's saying that he is Jesus; he is just strongly implying it.

I'm obliged to point out that this is a slur. :/

Underrated. Great soundtrack.

I had no problem with it, extended or no. Yeah, they don't show you what happens after your choice, really. Use a little imagination, people!

And yet, try to find a finance bro who will not gleefully tell you that you "need a pair of these - brass balls!" with accompanying gesture. Better, don't find one. They're the worst.

Was there a very abnormally friendly conversation that would objectively indicate the phone number was wanted? Otherwise, it's a bad idea.

Absolutely chilling.

Babel managed the impressive feat of me realizing I'd already watched it after two-thirds of the (second) viewing had elapsed.

Most of the violence comes from offscreen, too (until the end). The artillery shells just crash into the trees where the partisans' camp was, wreaking destruction; four of them are going to get supplies and then two of them just vanish, having stepped on a landmine; the cow gets shot by the machine gun across the

And Wall Street and Glengarry Glen Ross, and especially the iconic speeches therein, are beloved by bros who work in finance.

And here I complain about my dad being merely mainstream liberal racist.

Someone being a little short for a stormtrooper? Now I've heard everything!

I'll second Animals as best Pink Floyd album. Or favorite at least.

Tell me you didn't forget to poison the well first!

Cousin to the "hold the burgers lightly with the tips of your fingers to make them look bigger" trick that is used in every fast food commercial.

I don't think so, any more. I've kept an eye peeled after it was discussed on Peep Show or something.