
That's always happened to me too. My theory is that the freezer is not cold enough or the freezer bowl cannot stay cold enough, so the ice crystals get too large. It's the opposite of the reason that people use liquid nitrogen for ice cream (extreme cold freezes super fast, prevents large crystals).

We always used to go to a Fourth of July celebration with my parents that involved a large group of their friends and kids. As usual, my fellow kids and I could be counted on for fireworks chicanery like modifying Piccolo Petes into bombs, or shooting Roman Candles at each other after someone had gone to Washington

You'd always see someone hiding behind a tree cranking that thing as many times as he could.

And that's why Ilana is going to be hurt. It's not about the dude, it's about the intimacy she wants with all aspects of Abbi's life.

Yeah, he's full of forced cheer and positive thinking aphorisms because he is kind of sad and lonely. He's been robbed three times!

I just learned that Bosh is a homebrewer, in addition to loving to cook and code. I need to find a way to befriend that glorious nerd.

"I'll just come on over, because I am a greasy third wheel. Just pop a finger on in there!"

He sounds cool. I've enjoyed reading your memories.

I liked Osman's Dream. I read it in a seminar class on Turkish history where we read fifteen books. I've got other recommendations if you are interested in other Turkish topics.

They have to account for the Midwestern palate, after all. My roommate from Minnesota always self-deprecatingly said that mustard makes him sweat … but it was also true.

She's got some fantasy about Abbi's life that is way more about what she is thinking about than what Abbi's life is actually like. In her head, Abbi is probably going on a date with some urbane black dude to some cool underground spot.

See, that's the reaction I expect when I give my little usage tips, but people usually incorrectly say "this was insufferable."

"Bemused" does not mean the same thing as "amused." Next you'll be telling me you're nonplussed by my pedantry!

Nah, it's also soccer players.

I think that this will help. I just watched it for the first time as well, and enjoyed and respected it but didn't love it as many seem to do.

I evolved this disproportionate shnozz for a reason, after all.

Are the SSRIs really all that different in terms of side effects and effectiveness? I only tried three and haaaated them.

Some guy told me that Soulja Boy first achieved internet presence by posting a lot of his early stuff on Dragon Ball Z fan forums, and was roundly mocked and laughed off of them. I have no reason to think this is true, but it's an excellent legend nonetheless.

Am I the only one that thought that should have been spelled "-ouides"? Jason = Jeffrey, Man = Character, -zoukas (Greek name suffix) = ouides (ditto).

Dig that high-fidelio sound.