
"Flirt alert! Nice dress. Hot date? Is he black?"

Ah, an adherent of the "'hooking up' means 'having sex'" school. I respect your beliefs, but I consider making out to be hooking up.

You cannot get good pears in the rest of the country, though. Your Fred Meyer reference indicates to me that you are from the PNW, where the pears are indeed great. All I can get here in Virginia are shit pears, and something from Harry and David would indeed be a score.

Yes, as good.

I just watched it. It's hilarious and quite under-appreciated. Still a lesser Kubrick, overall.

Or as James Mason says it, "Lyolitya."

But we really need to know how many pageviews you've had!

Cutting to that wide shot that shows that the slave has just peaced the eff out is hilarious.

If you did have words, it would be easier to understand your viewpoint.

I've always considered myself more of an "apologist" than a "lover."

This exact thing happened to me. Damn John ****. He's one of those guys where you always have to say his full name, e.g., after he makes you unknowingly smoke heroin.

I want to open a small-plate-Jamaican-Irish-Spanish-breakfast restaurant called "Tapas the Mornin' to Jah."

This Robot Stand-Up clip is like a bad ayahuasca trip. It's the most terrifying thing I've ever seen.

I love how the plumber gives Abbi his hammer to hold and she is hefting it back and forth in her hands, a little over-the-top flirtatious. It's an entire scene in a second or two.

I'm compelled to jump in here to add nothing substantive. I also love Swans, cosign To Be Kind as an all-time great.

Zouks generally thinks that stopping everything to bust someone's balls is hilarious, and also screws up the flow of CBB something terrible.

Tl;dr - Jobs in the nineties were very easy and plentiful.

I think that means that the city needs you.

"I was born the day the Challenger exploded!"

You seem upset. Are you okay?