
I do share this sentiment however.

"Like all important entertainment matters, their argument hinges upon an Ashton Kutcher-led movie." - THE TRUTH

I really do think the writers haven't quite grasped yet how to write Kid Cudi character-wise. I feel like he's being woefully underutilised or forced to play it straight too much. Reggie and Scott would go off on adventures or Reggie would have his own B-story whereas I don't feel Cudi has had any of the spotlight

The Atlantic panel is so badly moderated that it's pretty hilarious. I recommending watching it if only to see fred and bill go off riffing on bits inspired by some of the borderline stupid questions.

I would say at least it's not a shondaland show, but this has all the makings of one in that there are lots of character deaths and soapy (sometimes very badly written) drama lines.

Man, Christina Hendricks in that high collar looked just total bad-ass. I really do wished we'd gotten to see more of Chair/Celine ruling bellacourt manor (and Dodo being Majestic No More).

the back of those jeans look like its two pairs of jeans worn over each other, like someone needed to cover all 4 of their butt cheeks.


"Well my name's Jesus Christ and i'm here to say, its fun to rap in a spiritually ambiguous way." - DAT RAP.

I guess they're very Schur of what they want and they're not pulling any Fey-nts.


I hope this failed one season show gets a revival order on some internet streaming site.

Shia's role on the show is unclear. You cannot be that bad at your people skills and have survived that long being employed on the show with a producer job, not when the caliber of your colleagues like Rachel and Quinn is on display. She doesn't really make a plausible villain because her actions just seem juvenile

Chang farting during the abed's 4th cool. GAS LEAK YEAR.

Wait is he a dickhead? Wasn't he the writer who released some shitty ass mario script he wrote to showcase how shit he was?

Love how the ad agency was Kimble, Kollins & Klark. Very triple K indeed.

Really, this is not an A- with that excellent delivery of the two most sensously epic words: "VELVET, THUNDER"?!