
and yet the royalties continue to pour in for the Harlem Shuffle.

Hey Robin!  Boner is here to see you!

I said *hop in*.   (click).

He mastered profanity back in Midnight Run.


1. Physical Graffiti
2. Houses Of The Holy
3. IV
4. II
5. I
6. Presence
7. III
8. In In Through the Out Door

ha.  you thought wrong.

It's not America.  It's not even Mexico.

If You Don't Know Me By Now.

[scared to death of the girl with the tattoo and nose-ring]

I've seen wet shits I liked better than that sentiment.

I am admittedly pretty drunk (Happy Victoria Day!) but I thought this was a great episode - especially compared to the last 2 weeks.

I looked at that picture and Austin Powers' voice jumped into my head.  Moley-moley-moley.  Mole!

You're taking a little bit of shit for this Todd, but i get it.  I've read the books, but last week i made the mistake of mixing up Amory Lorch and Vargo Hoat and was very quickly smacked around. 

Just putting that out there?

Osha doesn't mind.  Thanks to the adaptation, Osha's still got a job.

Let the bears pay the bear tax!  I pay the Hodor tax!

Why do i think he gets thrown into the pit?  Was that Lorch?  Fuck these books have so many plot elements.