Mr Heavy Foot


Larry playing George is an absolutely great moment of meta-humor perfection but I would go with when Leon "Whited that shit the fuck up" with Micheal Richards. "Danny Duberstein is good at two things math and fuckin!" and of course the following Richards breakdown is classic.

Thought it was Bukkake Battle Brawlers for a moment.

Yeah I know but I was replying to a 7 year old south park quote with a 7 year old south park quote. I considered updating it but thought that would ruin the integrity of it. If there is such a thing for mindlessly puking up TV quotes… but you have to have some standards dammit!

The Haunted was a really interesting read. The thought of Saint Gut Free's short story still makes me nauseous to this day. As advertised I have never eaten calamari again. Part of what made the book remarkable (in my mind anyway) is halfway through, you didn't give a shit if any of the characters lived or died. No

Dude, "The Simpsons" have done everything already, so who cares? They've been on the air for, like, 13 years, so of course they've done everything.

Invisible Monsters was written previously to FC but went through a pretty severe rewriting before it was released. I haven't been too impressed with his last couple of books… I found Rant kind of annoying and Snuff was just juvenile. However criticism aside, I'm still going to still read every damn book that crazy man

Ah great call on twelve monkeys *SPOILER* Cole watching himself die is just fucking brutal. Actually Terry Gilliam kicked me in the tear duct with the fisher king too. Best Robin Williams acting ever.