
He could have turned himself in. Even better, he could arrange to let Skyler turn him in. That would have given her a much better out. Instead he fled.

Well, I suppose that answers that! :D Still, I think the ploy can't (or shouldn't) work. Walt in his more lucid moments — which are increasingly rare — should have realized that. The police would have to believe that she was under constant duress for a solid 6-12 months. And at this point, what does she have to offer

What makes everyone think that Walt’s phone call got Skyler
off the hook – even a little? She’s up to her eyeballs in this entire mess. Two
DEA agents were killed courtesy of her husband. The Feds are not going to ease
up on her because Walt “took the blame” in a phone call. They’re going to comb
through every inch of her