False. There is no good Chinese food in Portland. One has every other kind of good food at one's fingertips, but not Chinese.
False. There is no good Chinese food in Portland. One has every other kind of good food at one's fingertips, but not Chinese.
I have to agree with just about everything in this thread even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff. Especially about Russell T Davis, I was actually thinking about him as one of the main perpetrators of the extreme letdown. I don't know how many Canadians are out there but I remember watching one of Rick…
The one drawback
To the Best of Both Worlds is that it started the Star Trek and restarted the general TV trend toward unnecessary season ending cliffhangers that get resolved *spoiler* really weakly at the start of the next season. Best of Both Worlds worked alright because it just kicked off another exciting hour…
You're not really kidding about people asking for change in Portland. They're very blunt and up front about what they would like to purchase with your 37 cents.
A question though, when you guys are done with Millenium will you go back to the multiple episode per review format?
I've probably seen you on the street then. Unless, of course, you burst into flames upon coming into contact with direct sunlight as Star Trek fans are quite often wont to do.
Handlen you live in Maine? Whereabouts; the back woods of northern nowhere or one of the tiny metropolis's to the south?