
Agreed that Paige's eavesdropping drives the Paige vs. parents dynamic into more interesting directions. Since Larrick had used the telephone to get to Kate and the basement code operator, I'd assumed that the reveal would be of him listening into Philip and Elizabeth's conversation. Paige's listening raises other

Even though a quiet, resigned tone fits how Stan and Sandy talk through their marriage dissolution, I wish there were some logical way to reveal other shades to Sandy's character. Yes, heated arguments would get repetitive. Still, Susan Misner was so electrifying earlier in the series when Sandy confronted Stan. I

That single tear trickling down Aiden's cheek in the previous scene triggered laughter, for me, and ruined all seriousness about his death, even before Emily stumbled in on Aiden's bizarre"O-face".

Sonia's raises the theme of compassion, which is really revealing when
considering Eli's actions this episode. He is surprisingly kind-hearted in his
separate conversations with Alicia and Peter. Notably, in all five seasons, the Florricks have never sought out a marriage counselor. Damn, did Eli not play that role

"Lasagna…will be served," said the ominous voice over guy. Looks like Veronica and Jackie may stir up drama in the kitchen. There will be wine involved. Can't wait!
See: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

A -
Extra points for showcasing Mae Whitman's lovely singing voice.
(unable to reply directly to digifreak642's community thread; the thread is marked as "inactive" ?!?!)

Ichabod's voice-mail message was all kinds of awesome, resembling a well-written letter: endearingly polite, a tad lengthy, and then the closer… "Respectfully yours". May he never learn how to text.

Was the root cause of Masters's sleepwalking ever explained?
Masters was packing a suitcase with baby clothes while he was
sleepwalking, a behavior he supposedly had since he was a child. The next time we see a suitcase again is when he was packing his wife's clothing after her D&C procedure. Does it make sense to

But when and where would Mickey have played those tapes? Sully snatched Mickey out of bed while he was likely at a hotel, so he wouldn't have had the tapes on him.