
Oh, well I don't know about Rome and its depiction of history since I'm not a history buff, however despite its pace I enjoyed watching Rome, it was just difficult to watch it sometimes because I kept thinking of Spartacus, lol. I watch The Walking Dead but that's another frustrating show, I don't hate it like a lot

After finishing Vengeance I was on Spartacus withdrawl so while I was waiting for War of the Damned I watched Rome for the first time, I enjoyed the show but… needless to say it was no Spartacus. In my opinion it had a lot of pacing problems, which is my main issue with Game of Thrones (by the way if you make a

Exactly!!! How could you not like Vengeance when it had LIBERTUS in it?

That is another thing I look forward to on my rewatch.

Another sex scene I really liked was when Ganicus and Melita were forced to have sex. It was full of different emotions throughout. Also I was surprised I cared so much about those characters when it was only the second episode of Gods Of The Arena, then I noticed Marissa Tercharaun (or however you spell her name) and

I think that sex scene was so hypnotic and mesmerizing.

Great analysis. I have not watched the first season in years so my memory isn't fresh, however I remember when I watched if for the first time that I kept analyzing about the decisions Batiatus and Lucretia made and ended up with their downfall. For example I thought what if Batiatus hadn't killed Barca but instead

But isn't that what the series "Rome" was mostly about?

Oh, yes. Lori dying was the shock of the season. Poor T-Dog, everyone will remember that episode as the Lori-dying episode and nobody will remember he died on that one too, he died just like he lived… being forgettable :(

Indeed. After watching WHORE, Spartacus became appointment tv for me.

Well, one of the Previous Fast And Furious, I think the 4th one was partially filmed in The Dominican Republic since apparently Vin Diesel likes hanging out here and Michelle Rodriguez is dominican and at one scene of the new one they were remeniscing about the scars they got and he mentioned one was in D.R.

I really Do think those episodes are the point where nobody who has watched the show that far can deny its quality.

They ARE amazing. i can't wait to rewatch them.

Haha you are way off. I am in the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic.

Haha, that part where Vin Diesel flies to catch Michelle Rodriguez was the most ridiculous/awesome thing ever!! And at point someone mentioned my country and the whole movie theater started cheering hahaha. I loved how most action scenes were exciting and over the top yet easy to follow.

Well, don't mind me. I would just watch for the EPIC bitchery.

I was dragged by my cousin to watch that and I had to admit it was a lot of fun watching that movie in a packed movie theater.

It is too late where I am right now for me to form any coherent thought but you guys have a great back and forth regarding the motives of this show.

That is very true. The first 8 eps. had a very good pace and then the last 8 eps. went back to the lame pace of most of season 2.

Yes, that episode was THE one that made me look forward to each following episode for the rest of the series.