
Alright, who let Leonard Pierce write the What's On Tonight?

This is legitimately extremely encouraging to me. Thank you.

Okay, so I'm bi and in the closet and I'm pretty much a super virgin (someone's going to AV CLUB that) and tonight I almost hooked up with a guy on a whim. He goes to my school and I found out he's bi too and we sort of chatted for a little bit and we were going to get together, but then I chickened out at the last

I watched all four episodes of this yesterday. By far the worst scene is when Philidelphia, Troy and Patricia (who is referred to as a "fucking bitch" multiple times throughout the scene) decide to have a threesome. It contains, and I shit you not, this exchange of dialogue:
"Oh my god. You guys, let's have a

So tonight Jim O'Heir did a screening and Q&A at my school and he said that Amy Poehler desperately wanted Jerry to be an abusive husband and kept pushing for that as a storyline before they introduce Gayle. It was shot down for being too dark but can you imagine how horrible that would have been?