
That's pretty much where I stand on the issue. Tasha knew that Lawrence was on the rebound and let herself get too attached. But Lawrence sent mixed signals about what he really wanted (accepting an invitation to a family barbecue, snuggling in bed, etc) and when things got too real, he bailed. Lawrence was 100% in

Issa's cheerful "I got these wings!" made me laugh so hard.

No, it wasn't just you. I honestly thought Lionel was going to suggest a Vegas-style wedding or something, since he and Molly seemed so compatible.

I was Team Tasha rather than Team Issa or Lawrence. She earned that right to go off on Lawrence's selfish ass. Like hooking up with his ex wasn't bad enough. Lawrence and Issa had issues before they broke up, and it's time for Lawrence to start facing his part in that.

That would be interesting if Molly had lied, perhaps to force Issa to move on.

I do. Granted, a lot can (and will) happen in between, but I do think they're endgame.

This one was meatier than last week, so I enjoyed this one. It's easy to hate Tasha, but I feel bad for her. Even though she's aware she and Lawrence weren't serious, it doesn't mean that she wasn't hoping for something more.

She just did a photoshoot for Hannah Magazine, and she looks gorgeous!

I was waiting for the same thing from Patty. Or her to break out the hand sanitizer. That girl was a mess.

She had some serious injuries, too. Several broken vertebrae, a herniated disc, a dislocated shoulder, and the list goes on. So I can understand why she's only in the movie for 5 minutes. They were supposed to explore the love triangle with her, Thor and Jane, and it got cut.

Yeah, I thought this looked more fun than Rough Night. Not opening night worthy, but I'd rent it on Netflix.

I really like Regina Hall, so I'm cool with her being in this.

I work with doctors, and they love them too. Particularly during surgeries.

The trailer got me hyped, and this just amplified it. This movie looks incredible, and my ass will be there opening day. The costuming, the cast, the glorious world of Wakanda, it's just amazing.

Very true. I'm hoping he didn't leave on a bad note, but it still sucks. :(

No idea why Barker left, but yeah, the show isn't the same without him, or the characters he played. The way they wrote out Terry was bullshit.

They don't get enough credit on how cleverly they tackle serious issues (eating disorders, coming out and adoption are just a few) while still keeping the episode funny.

It's very….up and down. One week will have a great episode, the next will have a boring, middling mess. I'm still in it, but there's no consistency anymore, and that's disappointing.

Yeah, it's pretty stupid in the long run. Jared Leto said he had gout after gaining a substantial amount of weight to play Mark David Chapman, (eating fried ice cream and stuff like that) and I read that Christian Bale has similar problems because he's been yo-yoing from big to skeletal over the past decade.

Yep, Lifestories: Families in Crisis. That scene was actually pretty disturbing. And I think her mother started gagging at the sight before calling her husband.