
Sorry, I never catch those things, and someone already posted that about Walt.

I agree that it's a lose/lose for Molly. Even if Dro really is in an open marriage, Molly was being truthful when she said that type of relationship isn't for her. She'll either be the other woman that he has on the side, or just plain jealous that Dro is with someone else and there's nothing she can do about it.

The earnestness of Regina King and Scott Foley had me laughing so hard. I love that show-within-a-show.

Exactly. This is the second time where Candace has been conveniently absent, and Dro puts the moves on Molly. I'm really wondering if the open marriage thing is legit.

He's hot, but his voice is what really does it for me.

Walt from Lost!

I could be giving him too much credit, but I didn't get the vibe that SKB (let's be real, no one is calling him Lionel) was just sitting there. I get the feeling that Molly had been giving him the cold shoulder all night and at that point, maybe he thought Dro would be more of a comfort to her, or he just said "Fuck

It wasn't just Lawrence living off of his girlfriend, but that he lacked any real motivation or drive for his life. He wasn't comfortable, he was just bored. It would have been different if Issa was supporting Lawrence while he tried to achieve his dreams, instead of him lounging on the couch and wasting time.

The extended version of that Jump Tomorrow is such a sweet movie. It only airs on indie channels, but it really deserved a wide release. I immediately became a fan of Tunde after that.

I'm disappointed that the Chicago scenes ended so quickly. I doubt Molly has any intention of moving there, but I like Lil Rey in this role.

This right here. Frieda needs to put up or shut up. Being passively aggressively mad towards Issa isn't going to solve anything. Until she takes some action, Frieda isn't any better.

I love Issa's awkwardness with her ho phase. She's so earnest in her effort but she's still awkward at heart. I'm just glad she's enjoying herself. Daniel needs to exit, though. Issa was upfront this time, it's on Daniel if he chooses to stick around knowing that he and Issa are not on the same page.

(sad but true upvote)

"Kelli's dessert"

Was that the incident when one of their servers gave apple liqueur to a toddler?

I thought it was mix of disgust, from Chad pilfering half of the supplies, and the lewd conversation he was having with Lawrence. Poor man deserved more than a dollar.

When I heard "Keep your hands on the wheel!" I damn near shuddered.

That was Corbin Bernsen?!?

The fact that they didn't even acknowledge Lawrence after that just made the scene more painful. Like he wasn't even there. That was cold.

When her eyes closed, I was so worried that someone had spiked her drink or she was passing out. Until I saw how intensely Sweetie was looking at her. Get some, Kelli!