Hank Kingsley

Hey Now! But what about Pre-Ordained? One of the best Queen songs ever, wasn't a Queen song. It was written by Brian May during the Smile Era of the band. It is amazing.

When Grayson, as well as the viewer, joins the Cougar Town gang. It took him awhile to warm up to and eventually become a member of the gang. It took us about 6 episodes.

It is the police officer. MARK MY WORDS.

I have a feeling Detective Loki is tricking everyone. HEY NOW!

Kendra coming to Sunnydale in the Second Season of Buffy.

What about Wallace, Nelson Mandela!?!!? What about Wallace?!

A Different World got way better once Lisa Bonet was replaced by that Whitley character.

I wouldn't mind plowing that terrible drummer, huh fellas?!

I noticed that recently too, I wonder when they will.

This line had me on the floor, I could not stop laughing. Holy shit, though i swear he said Holy Fuck.

Andy: Religious Oligarchy
Ron: Holy fuck.

I'm In Love With My Car
Queen, A Night at the Opera



She was Faith in Buffy. She was also in Bring It On. A real hot tamale.

I'm back you fucks!

Now take off your pants and bend over.

Not only that, but defend it.

The end was beyond amazing. Joss Whedon pumped out 4-5 Seasons of story within the last 6-8 episodes of the Series. It was basically "Look at all these awesome plot points I would have hit in depth if I wasn't forced to end this way too early" .

How did it begin? He walked into my office with his cockamamy scheme!
You can make more money with a flop than with a hit! We can do it. We can do it. I can't do it. We can do it. I can't do it. Good-bye Max! Oh Lord I want that money! I'm back Max! Come on Leo we can do it! Step 1: Find the Play! See it, Smell it,